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金祥国际 官网:(http://www.lovgold.com)恶意关闭账户,不让出金

本人经人介绍在金祥国际开设账户,并于2024年10月22号成功入金14600美金,在该平台赢了部分钱,12月在平台申请出金18000美金,一直无法出金,12月期间跟客服联系  客服表示后台正在审核,期间多次跟我说第二天到账,请耐心等待,12月27号开始无法登录后台,这时已经被恶意关闭账户了,登录后台时显示账户已被禁止,也无法在网站与客服联系,2025年1月8号通过电话致电金祥国际客服电话,对方表示会让工作人员与我联系,直到2025年1月15号金祥国际没有任何人与我联系,现在金祥客服电话也无法接通,金祥国际恶意关闭客户账号,不让客户出金!怀疑平台要跑路。

I was referred by someone to open an account at Jinxiang International and successfully deposited $14,600 on October 22, 2024. I won some money on this platform and applied for a withdrawal of $18,000 in December, but the withdrawal has been unsuccessful. During December, I contacted customer service, who informed me that the backend was under review and repeatedly told me that the funds would arrive the next day, asking me to wait patiently. Since December 27th, I have been unable to log in to the backend, and my account has been maliciously closed. When attempting to log in, it shows that my account has been banned, and I also cannot contact customer service through the website. On January 8, 2025, I called Jinxiang International's customer service hotline, and they said they would have a staff member contact me. However, as of January 15, 2025, no one from Jinxiang International has reached out to me, and now their customer service hotline cannot be reached. Jinxiang International has maliciously closed customer accounts and is preventing customers from withdrawing funds! I suspect the platform is planning to abscond with the funds.


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