
目前所有海外美股、期货、外汇等券商都需要在中国获得牌照才能经营,否则都是无牌非法经营,投资者的交易行为不受法律保护。 金融投资风险极高,入市有风险,投资需谨慎。

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dealgasAI this is a scam, luckily I found out in

I was selling my car and received a message from a buyer from Singapore. She brought me a lot of fun chatting with me. Later she gradually gained my trust and then started talking to me about investment. She told me that she currently has a very profitable AI project. Under her instigation, I chose to believe her. I purchased a total of 20,000 US dollars of DAI. Later, I wanted to get my friends to participate. My friend is Professional blockchain expert, he told me this is a scam!

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