
目前所有海外美股、期货、外汇等券商都需要在中国获得牌照才能经营,否则都是无牌非法经营,投资者的交易行为不受法律保护。 金融投资风险极高,入市有风险,投资需谨慎。

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投诉单号:33539 投诉平台:盈透证券 投诉类型:平台交易 维权诉求:赔偿交易损失 维权金额:592 美元 投诉进度:已回复
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刘**丰 补充投诉 08-25 15:45:12
刘**丰 补充投诉 08-25 15:43:03
Dear Mr. Liu, Interactive Brokers (U.K.) Limited (IBUK) received your correspondence dated February 24, March 6, 10, 23 and April 13, 2020, in which you request IBUK credit your account 23,994 USD, f or boing unable to open positions in account Fxxxxx52F. The IBUK Complaint Department reviewed the facts and circumstances surrounding your complaint and provides the following response. IBUK apologizes for the delay in response. A review of your account activity indicates that you have withdrawn your funds from your account and that your account is now closed. IBUK's top priority is to maintain a reliable state of the art trading platform for our customers. IBUK spends a considerable amount of time and resources to ensure a robust trading platform with one of the lowest failure rates offered by electronic trading firms. With that said, IBUK cannot guarantee against system outages from IBUK, an exchange or any internet service provider's technical problems. Because all technical issues
刘**丰 补充投诉 07-16 09:13:06
刘**丰 补充投诉 06-05 21:28:54
投诉到FOS,收到邮件回复,因为疫情原因,可能需要等几周时间。 Thank you for contacting the Financial Ombudsman Service. In light of the government?s guidance around the Covid-19 outbreak, we?re having to work differently. It is likely that it?ll take us a number of weeks to respond to your enquiry ? but we?re working hard to get back to you as quickly as we can. If you?re facing financial hardship, ill-health or need to speak to someone urgently ? please get in touch on 0800 023 4567. Thanks Financial Ombudsman Service
刘**丰 补充投诉 04-21 19:48:41
If you do not refer your complaint to the Ombudsman within six months of the date of this letter, the Ombudsman will not have our permission to consider your complaint and so will only be able to do so in very limited circumstances. The very limited circumstances referred to above include where the Ombudsman believes that the delay was a result of exceptional circumstances.
刘**丰 补充投诉 04-21 19:48:20
You have the right to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service, free of charge. The Ombudsman might not be able to consider your complaint if: * what you're complaining about happened more than six years ago, and * you're complaining more than three years after you realized (or should have realized) that there was a problem. Whether your complaint was made outside of these time limits is a matter for the Ombudsman to decide. If the Ombudsman considers that the complaint was made outside of these time limits, they will not have our permission to consider your complaint and so will only be able to do so in very limited circumstances (see below) If you do decide to refer your complaint to the Ombudsman you must do so within six months of the date of this letter.
刘**丰 补充投诉 04-21 19:46:56
Interactive Brokers (U.K.) Limited (“IB UK”) has received your correspondence dated February 24, 2020. Currently, IB UK is reviewing the facts and circumstances surrounding this matter. Upon completion of the review, IB UK will respond to your inquiry. IB UK strives to provide quality customer service, therefore; IB UK anticipates a response time within the next four weeks. However, at times the response may take longer due to unforeseen circumstances and/or complexity of the issue. Please know that IB UK will contact you with a response or update in four weeks. IB UK appreciates your business and thanks you for your patience. If you are dissatisfied with the resolution of your complaint you may refer this to the Financial Ombudsman Service. An explanatory leaflet can be found at the link below http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/consumer/complaints.htm Please note that you have six months from the date of this response to refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service.
刘**丰 补充投诉 04-13 21:16:47
刘**丰 补充投诉 03-13 15:09:03
补发其它平台做的这笔交易平仓后的交易记录,是其它平台通过邮件发送给我的。 从2月18日晚上发现账户不能交易,2月19日一早就开始给盈透反应我的账户问题以来,到今天已经24天了,但我的账户订单被拒问题还没有解决。从技术的角度来说,这个问题应该是很容易解决的,感觉就是盈透没有人在处理我的账户问题。上周我还打电话给盈透的客服让他们催一下,客服的回答是说这个问题不简单,他们的程序员在处理这事,我是不信的。 这些日子,我给盈透发邮件,没有回复,再打电话给客服,让他们找到我发给他们的邮件,请他们给我回复,他们电话里答应给我回复,但挂掉电话之后就又没消息了,这样的情况已经遇上好几次。至今我希望他们给我回复的邮件还没有得到回复。最后一次,客服告诉我,他们邮件太多,不一定回复得过来,让我去官网发咨询单,这样会回复得快一些。3月6日我发的咨询单,到今天照样没人回复。 本以为找到盈透后,不需要再换平台了,没想到会出这种事,更没想到出了问题后,居然没人管,在盈透处理好的我账户问题之前只能换平台了。 盈透的后台在电话里承认是他们的系统问题,后台能看到我在2月18日晚上有传送订单过去,但被系统拒绝了。我有电话录音。 现在的请求有两个:1、尽快解决我的账户订单被拒问题;2、尽快赔偿因为订单被盈透系统拒绝导致我在交易上的损失。
刘**丰 补充投诉 02-26 13:33:38
因为此次盈透的问题,导致我的盈透账户在传送订单后被盈透系统拒绝,基于此,我在其它平台做的这笔交易已于昨天凌晨平仓,我以其它平台的开平仓点位为依据,要求盈透证券给我做出相应赔偿:订单量*(平仓价-开仓价)=372*(1657-1592.5)=23994美元。 其它平台邮件发送给我的日报交易记录我已转发给盈透。感谢FX110对此事的跟进!
刘**丰 补充投诉 02-26 13:25:17
我的顾问账户本来是通过代理商A在盈透开的户,1月21日我收到盈透邮件说是自1月24日美国营业时间结束开始,我的账户将直接由盈透证券提供服务,也就是说我的账户应该是1月24日之后就跟代理商A没有关系了。1月28日代理商A联系我说,因为旧代理商不符合盈透盈透监管合规要求,他跟朋友按要求重新注册了一家代理商B,希望我能转去代理商B。2月4日和5日,我发邮件给盈透申请转去代理商B,之后一直没有收到盈透任何有关消息。2月17日,代理商B跟我说,盈透那边说顾问账户无法转到新代理商B这边。从后来了解到的情况是,因为顾问账户下挂有客户账户,如果要转需要客户同意才行。 可是问题就这样出现了,按理我的顾问账户现在应该直接开在盈透下。2月18日晚,交易机会出现时,我登录账户去挂单,发现订单被拒,提示“盈透客户账户无效或缺失”。次日一早,打电话给盈透客服反应问题,发现我的顾问账户居然转去了新代理商B那边,而做黄金外汇现货的带F顾问账户却还在代理商A那,后台看到我2月18日晚上发送的订单请求,但被盈透系统拒绝了。盈透说应该是在转去代理商的过程中出了问题,之后就一直在查问题出在了哪,但到今天2月26日,我的账户仍然无法交易。登录盈透的TWS交易软件,直接提示“Rejected-Invalid account”。 之前盈透客服还说应该只是交易黄金外汇现货的带F账户无法交易,不带F的用来交易股票和期货的账户应该是正常的,但前天跟盈透后台电话时确认了不管是交易股票和期货的账户还是交易黄金外汇现货的带F账户都无法进行交易。
刘**丰 补充投诉 02-26 08:16:46
4. If you are still not satisfied Should you remain dissatisfied with our final response, you have the right to have your complaint reviewed independently by the UK Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). You can contact them using the below details: The Financial Ombudsman Service Exchange Tower London E14 9SR Tel: 0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9123 Email: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk Website: www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk Please note that the FOS can only consider your complaint if: o we have sent you a final response with which you remain dissatisfied; and o you refer the complaint to the FOS within six months of the date of our final response to you For additional information about the FOS, please visit their website: www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk Sincerely, Raquel Customer Service Representative for Interactive Brokers (U.K.) Limited Level 20 Heron Tower, 110 Bishopsgate London EC2N 4AY United Kingdom Authorized and Regulated by the FCA FCA Register Entry No. 20815
刘**丰 补充投诉 02-26 08:16:27
3. What happens with your complaint after IBUK has received it? Upon receipt, your complaint will be forwarded to relevant staff who will investigate and assess your complaint diligently, fairly and promptly. Once your complaint has been received by IBUK, we will acknowledge receipt of your complaint by email. The email will provide you with information on how our complaints process works, contact details etc. In most cases, the investigation is concluded in less than four weeks but it sometimes happens that the investigation takes longer than that. We will keep you updated on the progress of your complaint and communicate with you in accordance with the FCA's rules on dispute resolution. Once our investigation has been completed you will be sent a final response with our findings and the outcome of your complaint.
刘**丰 补充投诉 02-26 08:16:15
o By Fax to Interactive Brokers (UK) Limited on 0044 207 796 4737 o By Calling IBUK Customer Service using the telephone numbers provided on the IBUK website. Please note that this method is discouraged as in most cases we will need specific details in order to investigate your complaint. Whilst you can lodge your complaint via phone, we will need you to provide follow-up details by one of the methods described above.
刘**丰 补充投诉 02-26 08:16:04
2. How Customers Can Make a Complaint Customers are actively encouraged to use the WebTicket system for prompt attention. However, customers may file a complaint by the following methods: o By creation of a Webticket in Account Management. This is the recommended method by which to create a complaint. Tickets are picked up quicker than emails and are also more secure. o Email sent to: - help@interactivebrokers.com - proserve@interactivebrokers.com - ibmgmt@interactivebrokers.com - csmgmt@interactivebrokers.com Please note that in order to ensure that your complaint is flagged and given the required attention, we kindly ask you to state COMPLAINT in the subject header field of the email. o By Letter, addressed to: Complaints Handling, Compliance Department Interactive Brokers (U.K.) Limited Level 20 Heron Tower 110 Bishopsgate London EC2N 4AY United Kingdom
刘**丰 补充投诉 02-26 08:15:25
1. Policy Statement IBUK takes customer complaints very seriously and strives to: - Investigate each complaint competently, diligently and impartially; - Assess each complaint fairly, consistently and promptly with respect to subject matter, whether it should be upheld and what remedial action or redress may be appropriate; - Offer redress or remedial action when appropriate; - Explain to the complainant promptly and, in a way that is fair, clear and not misleading, its assessment of the complaint, its decision on it and any offer of remedial action or redress; and - Comply promptly with any offer of remedial action or redress accepted by the complainant. IBUK will endeavour to resolve all complaints within four weeks and to keep complainants periodically updated on the progress of their complaints.
刘**丰 补充投诉 02-26 08:15:04
Dear Mr. Liu, This is to acknowledge that Interactive Brokers (U.K.) Limited ("IB UK") has received your enquiry. We will review your concerns fairly and respond to you promptly. IBUK's Complaint Handling Procedures are as follows:
刘**丰 补充投诉 02-26 08:13:52
北京时间2月18日晚登录liuyf1013,20:50左右,挂372单量的1592.5美元/盎司的STOP突破单做多XAUUSD,传送订单后,显示订单被拒,对话框中间红色提示“盈透客户账户号码无效或缺失”。发现我的盈透账户无法交易了,之后重新登录账户时才发现账户登录后,TWS提示Rejected-i nvalid account。同时在其它平台挂的单子都于当天晚上成交,这些单子在今天凌晨触发1657止损价平仓,盈利=372*(1657-1592. 5)*100=23994美元,要求盈透因系统问题导致我无法交易,按其它平台的交易记录,赔偿我23994美元损失。我会通过邮件提供订单被拒的截图和其它平台的交易记录,作为此次赔偿要求提供依据,请给我相关邮箱。谢谢! 2月19日上午9点客服一上班,就开始反馈我的顾问账户无法交易的问题,至今仍未解决该问题。
FX110网维权中心 FX110回复 02-21 10:51:15


刘**丰 发起投诉 02-21 10:17:15


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