
目前所有海外美股、期货、外汇等券商都需要在中国获得牌照才能经营,否则都是无牌非法经营,投资者的交易行为不受法律保护。 金融投资风险极高,入市有风险,投资需谨慎。

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投诉单号:202960 投诉平台:www.axonexchange.vip 投诉类型:出入金问题 维权诉求:赔偿交易损失,索还交易资金 维权金额:9,208 美元 投诉进度:已回复
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FX110网维权中心 FX110回复 03-29 09:33:19

你好,该平台宣称由AxonExchange, Inc运营,总部位于新西兰。我们在新西兰公司页查无任何符合名称的公司信息。


P**3 发起投诉 03-28 23:51:05

COINS, which I bought on the https://www.axonexchange.vip client is my axonexchange account ID: 8887603, please relevant leaders and government workers handling my problem, help me to get their own money earlier.

What happened: I just started to purchase Bitcoin for a period of time and withdrew it. As a result, the customer service staff of axonexchange platform said that it would take 3579.41usdt to conduct notarization certification (manual assisted certification service). I paid the fee according to the requirements of the platform.

The second time, if the problem occurs again, we need to pay 3579.41usdt deposit again, and then the problem occurs again.The customer service staff of the axonexchange platform said that my account was frozen again due to third-party payment, and I needed to pay 15,860 RMB to unfreeze it. As a result, it was frozen again after I paid 15,860 RMB.

For the third time, the customer service of axonexchange platform said that it was impossible to withdraw cash directly and needed to download the Binance app client for block withdrawal. As a result, after I downloaded the Binance client, it was frozen again.

The customer service said that 9302.02usdt withdrawal funds were successfully withdrawn in the exchange, but they had not been transferred to the account of the Binance client.When the situation was frozen again, the customer service of the platform said that it needed to pay 2000usdt to help me find the reason.

At present, the software has been controlled by some bad people, and it is always repeated that it needs to pay fees. At present, I have paid a lot of money into it.I think this software is a software that cheats people.

I hope our dear government supervision department can shut down the server of this software to control and reduce future fraud. During this period, I also contacted the customer service of Binance client and said: Only after providing hash value and recharge network can I inquire in Binance client, but the platform did not provide any information.Always repeatedly prompted to pay various fees.

I originally believed that the result of this platform would be such repeated payment of fees, and I hope that our government supervision and management agency could help to deal with my problem.

I believe that our staff here is very excellent, and I hope that the government staff can deal with such customer service personnel of axonexchange software.We need to increase the intensity of punishment and punitive measures against them. 


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